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Relationship abuse can affect anyone, anywhere.

That's why our 'Anyone. Anywhere.' campaign helps young people understand the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships.

Developed by Engaging Education in collaboration with secondary school pupils and staff, the below materials provide practical advice for young people to recognise the signs of abuse, seek support and help others.

Keep reading to access our free resources, including:

  • Engaging Lesson Modules: To spark discussion and critical thinking in the classroom.
  • Informative Posters: Ideal for displaying in schools and youth organisations.
  • Digital Parent Guide: To help parents and carers talk to their children about healthy relationships.

Educating young people about healthy, respectful relationships is part of our approach to creating a safer Humber region.

For useful tips and an overview of the materials, please see the content guide below.

Downloadable Posters

These posters are designed to engage young people of all ages, from primary school to university. We encourage you to print and display the posters in education settings, youth organisations and family hubs - wherever they might inspire change.

Each set includes a poster highlighting the signs of control and another offering tips on how to avoid controlling behavior (available in A3 and A4).

RVP Poster Image

For maximum impact, place the posters in high-traffic areas or quiet spaces where young people can pause and reflect - like toilet doors or libraries.

Teaching Resources

(Suitable for Key Stages 3 & 4)

Our Anyone. Anywhere. educational programme is divided into six 1-hour modules, each with clear learning objectives on the below topics.

Anyone Anywhere Module Titles

To encourage reflection and discussion, each module includes a "Reflect. Relate" segment. The modules feature exciting, animated content, essential information, thought-provoking questions and interactive activities.

Parent and Carer Guide

This parent guide provides useful information to support your child's understanding of healthy relationships. You'll find clear definitions of key terms, conversation starters and links to trusted organisations.

Social Media Packs

Want to raise awareness about healthy relationships?

Engaging Education has created social media packs designed for primary, secondary and higher education. These packs feature eye-catching square graphics with valuable hints and tips for young people to identify potential 'red flags' in relationships.

Choose the pack that suits your target audience and help us promote healthy relationships for anyone, anywhere.

Anyone Anywhere Social Packs Cropped

Please use the hashtag #HumberVPP and tag our social media accounts in your posts.

Further Resources

Our campaigns aim to educate and empower young people to make positive choices. Please click on the relevant link to learn more about the campaign and access free resources.

  • Breaking the Cycle: Addressing Knife Crime Together | Helping professionals, parents and caregivers have conversations with young people about the realities of knife crime. >> Visit the campaign page
  • Listen to Us! (Trusted Adults) | Supporting trusted adults to talk to young people without judgment, agenda or expectation. >> Visit the campaign page
  • Talk to Us! (Trusted Adults) | Encouraging young people to reach out to a trusted adult for support. >> Link to campaign page
  • Youth Connect | A website for 11-to-18-year-olds seeking to explore new interests, develop skills and meet new friends in the Humber area. >> Visit Youth Connect
  • Not In Our Community | Teaching children and young people about crime prevention and safety. >> Visit Not In Our Community
  • Navigators | Care, guidance and advice for young people admitted to hospital with a violence-related injury. >> Link to campaign page

If you, or anyone you know, struggles with these subjects, please visit our help and support page. This page include local services in the Humber area.

Contact the police on 101 if you are concerned about serious violence, have information or need to report an incident. In case of an emergency, call 999.

More Information

If you would like more information about the Anyone. Anywhere. programme or our organisation, please email us using the button below.

You can also sign up to our digital newsletter to receive regular updates about our campaigns, projects and events.

Want more resources to support your lesson planning? Visit the Education Partnership's website for information, advice and guidance on a range of subjects.

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