Inspired by the National Youth Agency's principles of equality, youth empowerment, and informal learning, ‘Engage’ offers a personal development program that includes e-sports, life skills workshops, and youth empowerment initiatives.
Program Structure:
Sessions: Participants can attend weekly sessions at the Foundation’s Community Hub in West Park, adjacent to the MKM Stadium.
Content: Each session will comprise 90 minutes of e-sports activities using PlayStations and laptops to engage in popular games such as EAFC25, NBA, and F1, followed by 30 minutes of one-on-one and group workshops. Workshop topics will include conflict management, critical thinking, and resilience-building activities.
Led by a qualified youth engagement coaching team, all staff members are trained in youth work, trauma-informed practices, and managing challenging behaviour, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for all participants.
Community Collaboration: To effectively reach our target audience, the foundation are collaborating with Sirius Academy West, Boulevard Academy, and Rise Academy to facilitate referrals. Additionally, neighbourhood police officers will be encouraged to signpost young people who may benefit from the program.
Over the funding period, they will deliver 28 sessions, working alongside various VCSE partners to enhance the life skills component of the program. Collaborations will include Hull and East Yorkshire Mind for emotional resilience activities and Humber Learning Consortium for leadership training.
Youth Voice Initiative: Recognising the importance of youth input, the foundation will establish a ‘Youth Voice’ group, enabling participants to share their experiences and contribute to shaping future youth engagement strategies in the Hessle Road and Anlaby Road neighbourhoods.
‘Engage’ aims to broaden young people's awareness of local participation opportunities, creating pathways to traditional youth clubs, community sport clubs, and uniformed organisations like the army cadet force. By fostering a positive and supportive environment, the Foundation is committed to instilling confidence, self-esteem, and emotional resilience in West Hull's youth, helping them build a brighter future.