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Last night saw three young people from Goole Youth Action's In Your Corner sessions celebrated for completing the programme. 

The programme, funded by the Humber Violence Prevention Partnership, are for those aged 14-18 and consist of an eight-week course. 

Over the course of these eight weeks, the young people will engage in activities, including boxing skills, fitness, healthy eating, life skills and first aid.

Oliver Stevenson, who recently completed the programme, admits that the sessions have made a huge difference to his life. 

He said: "If I didn’t attend these sessions, I’d genuinely be out and about feeling sorry for myself. 

"I very much came into this with a negative attitude and have come out with a positive one.

"I’d never been able to find my place and I think I’ve finally found that here.”

This project has a strong boxing ethos of self-discipline, respect, self-belief, physical and a positive mental health, involving the support of a boxing coach, a dedicated youth link worker and an assistant link worker.

Speaking about the sessions, Goole Youth Action's CEO Phil Jackson said: "We’ve now been running these sessions for five cohorts now with a collective attendance of 30 young people.

"We've been really pleased with young people commitment and the willingness to try something new and be outside of their comfort zone and give it a go.

"The attendance proves that we must be doing something good."

To find out more about the sessions, please click here.

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