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Quick Summary

This intervention focuses on the development of the youth outreach offer which is closely aligned to North Lincolnshire’s Integrated Youth Offer and Risk Outside the Home Strategy. The VPP funding is being utilised to increase capacity in the team.

The outreach youth team work outside of normal office hours on evenings and weekends and target key hotspots where there are risks identified (e.g., ASB, Child Exploitation).

Youth workers go out ‘on foot’ and engage young people gathering in local parks, high streets and teen shelters providing positive conversations and activities as required by young people. Through this work, team members can offer advice and support, help young people explore their options for the future, inspire and support young people involved in risky behaviour, help young people explore their place in their community and empower them to be involved in the development of more provisions or activities for their age group.

This project is being delivered by North Lincolnshire Councils Youth Outreach Team, you can contact the team on :


Tel: 01724 298549

YJP logo Final V2
Funding Value
VPP Grant 22/23 £11,423.36
VPP Grant 23/24 £64,909.11
VPP Grant 24/25 £35,065.35
VPP Grant 24/25 (A&E Navigators) £8,808.33
SVD Grant 23/24 £8,585.17
SVD Grant 24/25 £4,354.32
Match Funding £4,917.00

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