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Quick Summary

Through the Young People's Support Project, Goole Youth Action (GYA) will meet and support young people in locations of their choosing be they on the streets, precinct, parks, outside public buildings, supermarkets or rivers/open water.

The project has the following aims: 

  • Reduction in youth related crime and ASB
  • Young people are better supported
  • Improved safer environment
  • Greater Community Cohesion - through greater tolerance and understanding of young people's needs/behaviours. 

They will work with the 10-18 age group and delivery will be across Goole and Old Goole. 

GYA will deliver three sessions per week, October 2023 to September 2024, one session will be co-delivered with youth partner, Revive Youth Project. 

Using sport as a hook to engagement, the project will offer 1-2-1 support to young people, offering advice, support and guidance on a wide range of topics from careers advice to relationships.

This project is being delivered by Goole Youth Action, click below to find our more:


Twitter: @GooleYouthA

Facebook: @GooleYouthAction

Alternatively you can contact Goole Youth Action on :


Tel: 07463 829441

Funding Value
VPP Grant 23/24 £4,972.72
CSP £4,784.78
Match (Cash) £13,062.50

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