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A pilot package of activities and campaigns directly co-produced with young people. 

The Young Peoples Co-production Programme is a new intervention being developed by the Humber VPP, born out of reflecting on the practices of other VRUs.

The work that will be carried out in co-production with young people and will be reflective of the VPP’s priorities and will align with existing interventions.

The HVPP is committed to enhancing the voice of our young people and are confident that through our local networks and hub and spoke model that this will be achievable. We have already completed three out of four Hope Hacks locally, which has led to the first action group being established, helping to drive this intervention forward.

A recent Focus group activity commissioned by the VPP to capture the views of young people around their local communities highlighted that participants found it difficult to engage with the question of how their voice can be heard by the VPP, perhaps partly due to low aspirations and partly due to a lack of understanding of what the VPP does. Through this intervention we hope to be able to change this narrative to one in which young people do feel head and one where they feel more part of the eco-system that can foster change and raise aspirations.

This links to our response strategy under community capacity and leadership, whereby Communities, young people and people with lived experience are involved in developing and delivering solutions.

This is a small-scale pilot to test this approach in Q4, and if successful we will consider how we can incorporate the learnings in 2024/25.

This competition's objective is to engage schools and youth groups in the Humber region in creating poster designs focused on violence prevention. The initiative aims to empower young people to advocate for violence prevention through art and creativity.

The competition is made up of three stages:

Stage 1 – young people work independently to develop and create early ideas and designs for the poster

Stage 2 – the two overall winners work with the arts organisation to create final poster designs and exhibition

Stage 3 – Designs are promoted as part of a public violence prevention campaign

The Humber Violence Prevention Partnership will partner with two local creative arts organisations to support the winners in bringing their design to life. This collaboration will offer young designers a unique opportunity to see their vision transformed and brought to life in a public space.

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