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Delivering a targeted youth engagement multi-sport activity programme in and around Sutton Ward in Hull.

Following the successful delivery of the 22/23 VPP funded Sutton Ward Youth Engagement programme and the CSF Holderness Road Youth Engagement Programme The Tigers Trust will continue to deliver a targeted youth engagement multi-sport activity programme in four target locations specifically responding to an identified need for youth engagement here by the Sutton Ward, East Area Neighbourhood Team, Drypool Area Team, Ward Councillors and Youth Development Service. Target areas are Abbey Street Park, Grasby Park. Dorchester Park and Andrew Marvell, Marvell/Barham Road. 

The project will deliver an activity programme, using sports and leisure as a tool to continue to positively engage a minimum of 80 children and young people aged I years upwards (up to 25 with SEN, living in these areas, considered to be at risk from falling into negative patterns of behaviour and other criminal activity or social problems. The programme will run over a period of 22 weeks from October 2023 to the end of March, providing at least four, 1.5 hours evening sessions a week, targeting areas of high Deprivation.

This project is being delivered by the Tigers Sport and Education Trust, click below to find our more:

Twitter: @tigerstrust

Facebook: Tigerssportandeducationtrust

Instagram: @tigerstrustofficial

Linkedin: the-tigers-trust

YouTube: @TigersTrust

Alternatively you can contact the Tigers Sport and Education Trust on :


Tel: 07946368998

Funding Value
VPP 22/23 (Achieve Potentials Ltd) £1,691.66
CSF 23/24 (Achieve Potentials Ltd) £1,691.66
VPP 23/24 (Achieve Potentials Ltd) £2,900.00
VPP 23/24 (Tigers Trust) £3,480.00
VPP 24/25 (Tigers Trust) £11,154.00
Match Funding £3,700

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