‘The Left Behind’ is a short film that has been created as the cumulation of a project which has been led by PCSO Dawn Brown of Humberside Police and produced by Eski. The film looks at how young people view risk and aspiration including peer influence and how this affects the choices they make. The film uses the example of vehicle crime, making general observations about the implications of criminal and risk-taking behaviours on the individuals partaking in them, but it also explores the wider impact on other people in their lives such as friends and family.
Much of the film focuses on stories from PCSO Dawn Brown who was first on the scene at an incident where a young man lost his life and hearing first-hand from others how this tragedy has impacted on his loved ones.
The launch event took place on the evening of Friday 10th
March 2023 in the area immediately around the Orchard Park Shopping Centre with scheduled screenings of the film projected on to the side of the Heron Store (facing Ellerburn Avenue).
In addition to this, the film was played on a continuous loop inside St Michael’s Youth Project (Ellerburn Avenue) where there will also be a separate wellbeing space provided with professionals available for anyone who wished to access this support.
Food and refreshments were provided for those attending, hot food from one of the local traders (funded as part of the project) as well other food and drinks donated by Tesco and prepared by staff at St Michael’s Youth Project.
On the evening of the launch the car park area around the shopping centre showcased some of the activities that were readily available and accessible to young people in the HU6 area, with the aim being, to try and divert young people from participating in criminal or high risk behaviours. These included sports from Hull FC and boxing ring/ pads provided by City of Hull Sport and Community Group, a climbing wall from Army cadets and virtual headsets from Safer Roads Humber. There were also a number of information stalls from organisations such as Refresh who provide support for young people and families around alcohol and drug issues.
In addition to staff from Humberside Police and their volunteer service the event was also supported by Hull City Council Safer Hull, Neighbourhood Team and Youth Development Service staff.
Following the launch of the film on 10th
March 2023 it has been made available for use as part of an engagement programme delivered in schools and youth settings across the city to challenge attitudes and behaviours by demonstrating the causes, choices and consequences around fatalities of young people linked to Organised Crime Groups and other related criminal high-risk behaviour.