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Providing access to purpose-built skate park equipment, supporting positive sport-based diversionary activity for young people.

Participants can attend the centre and take part in supervised indoor sports, centred around the purpose-built skate park equipment including scooters and skateboards. Full protective equipment is provided, and staff are permanently present. The local Policing team have funded refreshments for those attending who are unable to afford drinks and snacks.

40 free passes per month have been provided, enabling selected individuals to attend the sessions. These passes are held by the local PCSO and detached youth workers who issue the passes on a case-by-case basis to individuals they consider would benefit from diversionary activity. The issue of passes is conditional on individuals displaying good behaviour and demonstrating a willingness to turn away from anti-social behaviour and associated criminal activity.

This project is being delivered by North East Lincolnshire Council in conjunction with Ghetto Park , click below to find our more:


Facebook: Ghettopark Grimsby

Instagram: ghettoparkgrimsby

Funding Value
VPP £6,500

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