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Quick Summary

DJ and music promotion sessions delivered through the Youth Engagement Alliance, providing positive diversionary activities for young people.

The DJ and music sessions give young people the opportunity to be creative by providing sound mixing, recording and computer equipment to create their own music recordings. 

The sessions are supported by a professional DJ support who mentor the young people in the correct way to use the equipment and create music productions. 

Weekly sessions are being delivered at three venues:

  • Shalom – East Marsh
  • The Trin – Croft Baker
  • Fusion boxing - Hainton and Heneage

The sessions also introduce young people into other youth provision at the same centre and give them opportunity to engage with an onsite youth worker and detached youth workers from the LA.

This project is being delivered by three providers all providing the DJ and music sessions at their respective sites, click below to find our more:


Facebook: Fusion Community Hub / The Trin Centre

Instagram: The Trin Centre

Funding Value
VPP £6,000

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