CYP Mental Health Awareness Campaign
Start date
27 March 2023
Awareness Campaigns
Quick Summary
Building from the need to increase protective mechanisms around our children and young people (CYP), the Humber VPP has provided a partnership contribution to the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership to create a series of campaign materials designed with and for CYP centred around ‘The Conversation’.
The intervention will see young people co -produce a CYP focussed mixed media campaign, designed to engage the attention of children and young people, encouraging them to access help and support when needed. The Young people will also assist in identifying appropriate sites/settings for the campaign.
Campaign materials will be inclusive and representative across a full demographic range with age-appropriate language and images, including consideration of local place-based images and seasonal themes e.g., summer holidays, Christmas, in school.
Mixed media may include:
- large billboards
- digital screens
- social media content
- posters
- e-mail signatures etc
A guide to supporting CYP with accessing mental health provision will be produced and promoted. This will focus on the practicalities of how to talk about a potentially sensitive topics, with safe boundaries for disclosure and support to navigate the system and access existing helplines, websites and local services.
The guide will be jargon-free, aimed at the general public and easily accessible by those trusted adults who may encounter young people in need of support, for example, Scout leaders, school support staff, youth workers, neighbours etc.
A short (30-60 minutes) e-learning training package will be developed to support, enable and encourage adults to have ‘the conversation’ with CYP.
The e-learning package will be compatible with/embedded in the Humber VPP website and will be optimised for use on mobile phones and devices.
Funding | Value |
VPP Grant | £29,000 |