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Quick Summary

Delivery of a personal development programme to young people aged between 18 -25 years in North East Lincolnshire to support them away from risk of crime and violence and towards an education, training or employment outcome.

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As part of the programme each young person undergoes a detailed multi-needs assessment, working 1-to-1 with a member of CatZero delivery team to identify barriers to personal development and their individual risk factors in relation to crime and violence. From the assessment, the project co-produces a tailored plan of activities that includes 1-to-1 sessions and group activities, with sport and outdoor challenges leading to the opportunity of a residential sailing experience on board the CatZero yacht.

Through restorative methodologies and best practice, the project will build confidence, instil social disciplines and overcome barriers to personal progress, moving each young person closer to fulfilling their potential.

“I didn’t know what I was getting myself into when I agreed to join Catzero. I had no self confidence and found it hard to integrate with large groups. After the first day I was nervous and questioned what I was doing. I found that talking to people I didn’t know was easier than talking to people I know. I lightened up and made a full commitment which turned out to be the best decision I could have made. Week after week I achieved things I never thought I could do like reaching new heights (and speed!) Facing moments where I felt like giving up.”

This project is being delivered by CatZero, click below to find our more:


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Tel: 07805 659505

Funding Value
VPP £34,952

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