The first of the Humber VPP’s programme of online learning workshops introduces the public health approach to preventing violence.
On Tuesday 27th of February (12-1pm), join Helen Christmas to find out what the public health approach is and why it is increasingly being adopted by groups of organisations working together to tackle violence.
Helen is a Public Health Consultant at Hull City Council with lead areas including babies, children and young people; substance use; public mental health; inequalities; and public health intelligence. She is also the Public Health Advisor to Humber Violence Prevention Partnership.
Prior to this, she worked for Public Health England nationally developing public health approaches in policing as part of her public health training.
Helen has also worked in a variety of other public health roles in the NHS, local authorities, PHE and academia.
Within this webinar, Helen will outline the key ingredients of the approach and how to successfully implement it.
The interactive workshop is relevant to professionals working in local statutory agencies subject to the Serious Violence Duty, voluntary and community organisations working with young people or adults at risk of being drawn into violence, and anyone else interested in finding out more about violence prevention.
To access this free online webinar, please click here.