On Monday 13th November, the Humber Violence Prevention Partnership (VPP) will hold its second Hope Hack at Bridlington Spa. This event will provide a unique opportunity for the young people of Bridlington and the wider East Yorkshire area to inform leading policy makers on key issues that will help them to make their community feel fairer and safer. This involves young people coming up with solutions to issues, rather than looking at the symptoms and causes.
The Hope Hacks have been designed by the Hope Collective, an organisation formed to support the campaign for Damilola Taylor, a 10-year-old boy who wrote of his hope to change the world, shortly before his untimely death in 2000. The Hope Collective aim to establish real change that enables the UK’s most vulnerable communities to be free from poverty, violence and discrimination. They do this by working with young people to create long-term change, amplifying their voices and focusing on their hopes for the future.
We’re encouraging schools, colleges and youth groups to bring up to 15 young people (aged between 15-
25) to this packed full-day event; we’re keen to hear from a diverse range of young people and in return
can offer goodie bags, lunch, entertainment and the chance to make a positive difference in your local
Our previous event in Hull received positive feedback from the young people attending and educational
professionals who accompanied them. We hope the East Riding event will continue that theme.
Young People
"I was able to express ideas, talk, listen to other people’s ideas and I feel really lucky to have had this
chance… at the end of the day, every group made a speech, and I was one of those who made that speech,
it was an unforgettable and perfect moment for me, my self-confidence was restored and I was able to
speak very well.”
"All of the subject areas were really relevant to current study topic areas. Social skills and participation
were really important skills gained from the event."
Teachers and staff
“Managed to engage a diverse range of young people. I loved the presentations at the end and seeing
such a spectrum of young people who would probably never usually mix, all working together towards a
shared goal. Absolute magic!”
"One of the best days of my career."
Please contact us at humbervpp@humberside.pnn.police.uk for a group booking form.
For individuals aged 18-25 who wish to attend independently, click here to register for your free ticket.